Peace and all Good!

Living our Franciscan Secular Vocation joyfully throughout Northern and Central California and Northern Nevada

About Us . . . 
The Secular Franciscan Order (Latin: Ordo Franciscanus Saecularis; abbreviated OFS) was established by St. Francis of Assisi more than 800 years ago. Orignially known as the "Third branch" of the Franciscan Family Tree, it is formed of Catholic women and men who seek to observe the Gospel of Jesus by following the example of Francis of Assisi. Secular Franciscans are not like the other third orders, since we are not under the higher direction of the same institute. Brothers and sisters of the Secular Franciscan Order make a spiritual commitment (solemn promises) to our own Rule of Life. Our purpose is to bring the Gospel to life where we live and where we work. We look for ways to embrace the Gospel in our lives and try to help others to do likewise.

Our Regional Mission Statement . . .

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How do I find a fraternity near me?

What Area Does the Region Serve?

Our region covers Nothern and Central California and Northern Nevada, and currently has over 35 fraternities, and over 500 professed Secular Franciscans. 

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From the Desk of
From the Desk of the
Regional Minister
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  •  8/16/2022 08:00 PM
  •   New York, NY, USA

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  •   2816 Cinamon Lane, San Antonio, TX

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  •  8/18/2021 08:00 PM
  •   3557 Pretty View Lane, Alderpoint CA

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  •  12/25/2018 09:00 PM
  •   1684 Wildrose Lane, Detroit, MI

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Announcement of Fraternity Profession

This Announcement of Fraternity Profession is completed by a fraternity, and a copy is sent to the Regional Formation Director no less than two months before the proposed profession date.

First Contact Questionnaire

This First Contact Questionnaire is used by the fraternity to document the background information for someone interested in beginning formation as a Secular Franciscan. This form must be completed and kept in the fraternity files until after the profession of the individual. It may be requested for viewing at a regional visitation of the fraternity.

The Rule of the Secular Franciscan Order

The Rule of the Secular Franciscan Order

The Rule of the Secular Franciscan Order emphasizes the values of poverty, chastity, and obedience, offering a framework for spiritual growth and service to others.

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The Ritual of the SFO

The Ritual of the SFO

Secular Franciscans and their spiritual assistants will appreciate this little booklet—an English translation of the approved Latin text of the Ritual for the Secular Franciscan Order. The Preface provides background on the history and purpose of the Ritual and helpful guidelines for its use. Part 1 contains the rites for celebrating the various stages of admission to the Secular Franciscan Order. Part 2 contains prayers for use at the various meetings of Secular Franciscan fraternities. An Appendix includes appropriate Scripture readings, Franciscan readings and prayers of St. Francis.

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The General Constitutions of the SFO

The General Constitutions of the SFO

The General Constitutions of the Ordo Franciscanus Secularis (or Secular Franciscan Order) is a document that expands and explains how Secular Franciscans might live out the Rule of the OFS in their daily lives. It is organized into chapters corresponding to the chapters of the Rule. Chapter One (Articles 1-7) addresses the Secular Franciscan Order. Chapter Two (Articles 8-27) discusses the Forms of Life and Apostolic Activity. Chapter Three (Articles 28- 103) focuses on Participation in the Life of the Fraternity, including the organization of Fraternities at local, regional, national and international levels, Franciscan Youth, and Spiritual Assistance.

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Statutes of the National Fraternity of the SFO in the USA

Statutes of the National Fraternity of the SFO in the USA

The organizational structure of the SFO as outlined in the Statutes of the National Fraternity of the SFO in the USA

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Franciscan Crown Rosary

Franciscan Crown Rosary

The Franciscan Crown Rosary is a seven decade Rosary in honor of the Seven Joys of Mary.

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The Blessing of Saint Francis

The Blessing of Saint Francis

This prayer was written on Mount La Verna after St. Francis had received the stigmata.

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F.U.N. (For Up to Now) Manual

The FUN Manual, from NAFRA (our National Regional Area for the SFO in the USA) is our Plan for Initial Formation for all individuals seeking Profession into the Secular Franciscan Order. It is expected that each fraternity in the St. Junipero Serra Region uses this initial formation material which can be covered in any sequencing they desire, as long as the Fundamental Topics are adequately presented so those in formation come to understand and comprehend the vocation they are seeking to undertake. IQ Fast Print - For Up to Now, the national formation manual (also known as The FUN Manual), can be purchased from IQ Fast Print at: The package includes an unbound, three-hole punched book and a CD. It is available in English or Spanish. Please allow 5-6 days for delivery.

Background Image

A background image that can be downloaded

Intro Video

A shot intro video clip

Are You Called to be a Franciscan?
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Dirk Wohlau, OFS


Edd Ringlein, OFS

Vice Minister

Dianne Prior, OFS


Stephen Garcia, OFS


Mark Kroncke, OFS


Joanne Dobrzynski, OFS, RSA

Regional Spiritual Assistant

Martha Arellano, OFS

Multi-Cultural Councilor (Spanish Community)

Fred Stein, OFS

Area Councilor - Area 1

Joana deRosa, OFS

Area Councilor - Area 2

Aldo Morocho, OFS

Area Councilor - Area 3

Sharon Gianelli, OFS

Area Councilor - Area 4

Noreen Ringlein, OFS

JPIC (Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation) Animator

Kathleen Molaro, OFS

FY-YA (Franciscan Youth - Young Adult) Animator

What is a Spiritual Assistant?

What is a Spiritual Assistant?

This is a generic article you can use for adding article content / subjects on your website.

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7 Big Things A Start-Up Must Have To Succeed

7 Big Things A Start-Up Must Have To Succeed

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