The Meditation Prayer of               St. Francis of Assisi


“My God and my All!”


“My God and My All,
How I long to love you,
And give you my heart
And give you my soul” *


My God and My All” was used by Francis of Assisi as a prayerful meditation, and is for us a reminder of the life and message of St. Francis of Assisi. Much more than a lover of animals, St. Francis had a passion for life, a passion for God, which is expressed in every one of his prayers and writings, and in the way he lived his life. That man of God truly longed for connection with the divine, and most definitely gave God his whole heart and soul. And what Francis learned in the midst of his prayer of longing is that the desire for God leads us to places and situations in life which we would never have chosen on our own.

It is a paradox, and also a great truth, that the heart-felt desire for God, and our honest attempts to respond to God’s call in our lives, leads us to our own personal experience of the paschal mystery, the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Take Francis for example: his deep desire to give his heart and soul to God — his own powerful need for God — led him into such an overwhelming love for all of creation, and especially for the poor, that his life was completely turned around. It was only in God he truly found his all!